But before I describe the generation in which my mother lived, in which she met my father, and in which I then came to the world, I will write about my paternal ancestors, the Meisssl and Feilers.
The Meissls originated from Tyrol, while the Feilers lived in Marienbad.
1834 my great-grandfather Ignaz Meissl was born in Hall in Tirol. His father was also named Ignaz and worked as city clerk in the municipality of Innsbruck. Day in, day out, he wrote with his quill in the contemporary handwriting (Kurrentschrift) the decisions of the municipal administration, and conducted the official correspondence of the city of Innsbruck. So it is no wonder that his sons could very soon also read and write.
The Meissls originated from Tyrol, while the Feilers lived in Marienbad.
1834 my great-grandfather Ignaz Meissl was born in Hall in Tirol. His father was also named Ignaz and worked as city clerk in the municipality of Innsbruck. Day in, day out, he wrote with his quill in the contemporary handwriting (Kurrentschrift) the decisions of the municipal administration, and conducted the official correspondence of the city of Innsbruck. So it is no wonder that his sons could very soon also read and write.
Ignatius junior had not the slightest desire to enter into the footsteps of his father. He did not want to sit day after day in a dusty office facility, continue to write down the resolutions of the City Council and issue documents.
He was an outdoor person and became a ranger.
He was an outdoor person and became a ranger.
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Ignaz Meissl Ranger
Ignaz married the daughter of a physician from Innsbruck.
Some years later he got a promotion as supervisor in the forestry department of Tyrol and moved with his family to Kramsach in Tyrol, where my grandfather was born.
Aber bevor ich die Generation, in welcher meine Mutter lebte, in welcher sie meinen Vater kennenlernte, und in welcher ich dann zur Welt kam, beschreibe, will ich von meinen väterlichen Vorfahren,den Meissls und Feilers berichten.
Die Meissls stammten aus Tirol, während die Feilers in Marienbad lebten.
1834 kam mein Urgroßvater Ignaz Meissl in Hall in Tirol auf die Welt. Sein Vater hieß auch Ignaz und war Magistrats- Kanzlist in der Stadtverwaltung in Innsbruck. Tagein, tagaus schrieb er in den Magistratsrat-Ssitzungen mit seiner Kielfeder in der damals üblichen Kurrentschrift die Beschlüsse der Stadtverwaltung mit, stellte in seiner Schreibstube Urkunden aus, und leitete überhaupt den offiziellen Schriftverkehr der Stadt Innsbruck. So ist es kein Wunder, daß seine Söhne sehr bald auch lesen und schreiben konnten.
Ignaz junior hatte nicht die geringste Lust in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters zu treten. Er wollte nicht Tag für Tag in einer staubigen Kanzleistube sitzen, weiterhin die Beschlüsse der Stadtverwaltung mitschreiben und Dokumente ausstellen.
Es zog ihn in die freie Natur. Er wurde Förster.
Ignaz heiratete Anna Pircher, die Tochter eines Arztes aus Wilten bei Innsbrick.
Später wurde er zum Oberförster in Kramsach oder Rattenberg befördert und die Familie übersiedelte in diese Gegend.
Später wurde er zum Oberförster in Kramsach oder Rattenberg befördert und die Familie übersiedelte in diese Gegend.
ViktorMeissl, mein Großvater, kam 1874 in Voldepp zur Welt.
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